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Port Tampa Bay Tour - November 2015

December 16, 2015 1:48 PM | TB OWIT (Administrator)

Even though it was a grey, rainy day, the TBOWIT group had fun this past November 19th on the Bay Spirit as we took a tour of Port Tampa Bay. PTB's Raul Alfonso, CCO, Wade Elliott, VP of Marketing & Business Development, as well as TBOWIT's own Christyna Doege, Marketing Coordinator, led a lively tour of the Port.  Guests were filled in on all of the exciting developments at the port and got to see some vessels working at various terminals. Never one to disappoint, Christyna gave useful insights on all of the passing terminals along the way. Who knew so much was going on at the Port! Guests left full of information and full of good food and beverages.


  Here are two fun pictures. One is of the Carnival Paradise coming down the channel carrying all of those lucky passengers on a cruise. It so happens that Christyna knew someone on board the ship who took the second picture of some of the attendees as the two ships passed each other. Fun!




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The Tampa Bay Chapter (TBOWIT), established in 1997, is one of more than 30 + chapters worldwide under the umbrella of OWIT, the Organization of Women in International Trade, a dynamic organization created to enhance the status and interests of women in the field of international business.

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Tampa Bay OWIT

PO Box 75688, Tampa, FL 33675

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