On behalf of Film Tampa Bay, Tampa Theatre, The Consulate General of Ireland, and Northern Ireland Bureau, it is my pleasure to invite you to a special screening and pre-reception celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement.
Wed May 23rd 'In the Name of Peace: John Hume in America' will premiere at 7:00 pm at Tampa Theatre, with a pre-reception starting at 5:30 pm. Cocktails provided by Film Tampa Bay. Meet Irish Consul General, Shane Stephens, Danny Kennedy of the Ulster Unionist Party, as well as Aidan Hume, son of Nobel Peace Prize winner, John Hume.
We hope you will attend, and stay for a spirited political and cultural discussion following the film with Aidan Hume, John Hume’s son, and Danny Kennedy of the Ulster Unionist Party. Also attending are the Consul General of Ireland, Consul General of UK, our own honorary consul Terry Delahunty of the Tampa Bay Consular Corps, and many distinguished guests in our Florida and DC legislative branches as well as our Councils of Tampa and Hillsborough attending.
Wed, May 23rd 7:00pm
Tampa Theatre
711 N Franklin St
Tampa FL 33602